class ObMenu: ObMenu.newMenu() Initialices a new menu. ObMenu.newPipe() Initialices a new pipe. ObMenu.loadMenu(filename) Loads an existing menu file. NOTE: It's necessary to call one of the above before doing anything else. ObMenu.saveMenu(filename) ObMenu.printXml() ObMenu.getXml() ___________________________ menu: The ID of the menu you want to modify. If None, the root menu will be modified. n: The position of the item in its submenu, starting in 0. It's optional. If omited, item will be appended. ObMenu.removeItem(menu, n) ObMenu.removeMenu(menu) ObMenu.createSep(menum, n) If n not specified, separator will be appended ObMenu.createItem(menu, label, action, execute, n) If n not specified, item will be appended ObMenu.createLink(menu, mid, n) If n not specified, link will be appended ObMenu.createPipe(menu, mid, label, execute, n) If n not specified, pipe will be appended ObMenu.createMenu(menu, label, mid, n) If n not specified, menu will be appended ObMenu.interchange(menu, n1, n2) ObMenu.setItemProps(menu, n, label, action, exe) ObMenu.setMenuLabel(menu, label) ObMenu.getMenuLabel(menu) ObMenu.setRefLabel(parent, link_id, label) parent: ID of the parent menu menu_id ObMenu.setRefId(parent, menu_id, new_id)